That’s probably the most frequently asked question among people who want to come to Estonia for either birdwatching or mammal watching. The shortest and most honest answer has always been …

That’s probably the most frequently asked question among people who want to come to Estonia for either birdwatching or mammal watching. The shortest and most honest answer has always been …
Mid-June is not always considered the best time for birding, but the last years and trips have proven otherwise. During the past years, traveling in spring and autumn was very …
It has been quite a ride. Our last tour ended on the 3rd of July when our guide got back from a 2-day Brown Bear and Flying Squirrel tour with …
After 2 years of waiting, canceling, and postponing, we were able to make our first spring tours. To be exact, we have already had 2 lynx tours, 2 Steller’s Eider …
In August 2021, the team of the Estonian TV series “Metslased” (meaning “Savages”) visited our Brown Bear Hide. Our team member Peep was there to give them an overview of …
In January, Brown Bears are hibernating. The first half of January is also the time when pregnant females give birth. Usually, they have 1-3 cubs, but in some cases also …
Our good friends and partners from Germany came to visit us during the second week of January. Just to have a good time, get some fresh ideas for our late …
We are happy to announce that Brown Bear was chosen to be the animal of the year 2022. Not that choosing any other animal would have made us less happy. …
Looking back at the season Another year with highs and lows has passed, but things were definetely better than in 2020. Unfortunately due to COVID-19 and travel restrictions, we weren’t …
Visit Peipsi poolt välja antud märgisega “Siin on COVID-19 turvaline” kinnitame, et järgime meie tegutsemisvaldkonnale kehtestatud Vabariigi Valitsuse korraldusi ja Terviseameti juhiseid, hoiame end nende järgimiseks infoga pidevalt kursis ning …