At the end of October brown bears are done with crowing fat layer under their skin. Brown bears start hibernate in November and couple of weeks before they are less …

At the end of October brown bears are done with crowing fat layer under their skin. Brown bears start hibernate in November and couple of weeks before they are less …
About 23% of Estonia is covered with peat land soil and about 8% is covered with raised bogs. You will find raised bogs all over Estonia. Bogs started to develop …
The speculated number of male Capercaillies in Estonia is about 1000-1500 birds. They live in big forest areas like Soomaa and Alutaguse but we can’t find them in Estonian islands. …
In the two photographers Remo Savisaar and Neil Aldridge ´s photos were published- Some of the pictures were made from Natourest Alutaguse bear hide- In the first picture you …
As most of our web visitors know bear watching can be done in Estonia in Alutaguse from one of the NaTourEst brown bear hides- You can have watching or photography …
When female Capercaille does not find males in the usual lekking site and joins Black Grouse lek instead, hybrids between these two species can be hatched.
On Sunday I saw the first brown bear tracks in Alutaguse. If most of Estonia is already without snow then in N-E of Estonia I was able to track bears …
Brown bear camera season starts and the first brown bears were seen in the 7 th of April. Camera can be seen from page Camera is just next to …
While looking for Pygmy Owl, Cranes gave me a little concert while i was looking at the sunset.