bear standing by Yusuf Bozkurt

Public transport to our Brown Bear Watching and Photography Hide

Lately, there have been lots of questions on how it’s possible to get to the bear hide via public transport.

First, you would have to take a bus or a train to Rakvere town.

Buses leave from Tallinn and Tartu regularly. You can look for suitable bus times at:


Option 1:

After that, you would need to get from Rakvere to the closest bus station, which is Metsa-Udriku

There is unfortunately only 2 buses going every day and just 1 of the times is suitable:

14:00 Rakvere – 14:38 Metsa-Udriku

From Metsa-Udriku bus stop, it’s 3,5 km to the meeting point. 1,6 km along the bigger asphalt road and 1.9 km along a smaller gravel road. On foot, it should take about 45 minutes or up to 1 hour. We always send the meeting point with the booking confirmation to keep away unwanted interest. If you want to come and need to know before booking, please send us an e-mail.

During the summer months, you should be at the meeting point at 17 PM. In September and October, 16:00. So still enough time to get there on time. There is a larger wooden table with a roof and a dry toilet at the meeting point, so if you arrive earlier, you can comfortably wait for our colleague.

With buses going back to Rakvere, the situation is unfortunately even more difficult.

During weekdays, the earliest bus from Metsa-Udriku to Rakvere goes 15:42 – 16:27

On Saturday and Sunday, the earliest one is 11:07 – 11:52

Option 2:

After you have arrived in Rakvere, you could take a local taxi.

For example, DUO Takso (Gunnar – +372 5282659) is willing to pick you up from Rakvere Coach Station and bring you to the meeting point for 45€ (34km). Also, pick you up from there in the morning for the same price if needed.

There are also other taxi companies in Rakvere, such as Rakvere Takso (+372 501 7879; +372 322 7222), and Rakvere Taksoteenused (+372 58788129).

Forus taxi in Rakvere:

Please ask them for a quote.

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