Brown bear camera season starts and the first brown bears were seen in the 7 th of April. Camera can be seen from page Camera is just next to …

Brown bear camera season starts and the first brown bears were seen in the 7 th of April. Camera can be seen from page Camera is just next to …
Brown bear watching season 2016 is on and still lasting. Have you already seen this youngster walking around?
Brown bear watching and photography season Autumn 2015 is opened. You are welcome to visit our hides- luxurious phoot hide for 2 people, mini hide for 1 person and big …
Natourest watching hide have now 5 photoholes. Before pictures were made thru watching windows.
Last night our guide Ahto was in the brown bear watching hide. At about 21:00 a young female 2-3 years old one come and staid about two hours. Bear has white collar. …